Fixing the road

We live on an unadopted road.  Over the past few years it’s been getting more and more bumpy.  For the past couple of months I’ve been regularly grounding my car when coming in to park so I finally decided to fix it.

I got 4*1000kg bags of MOT Type 1 delivered

and hired a roller.  I was going to use a whacker plate but where’s the fun in that?

it was then a family effort to get to stoney sandy mix out of the bags and into the right places.

It doesn’t look too great and it isn’t perfectly flat but my car no longer bottoms out when I park it.

Lessons learned:

  1. The MOT Type 1 tends not to be mixed too well which doesn’t set properly.  Mix it in the barrow before dumping it in place.
  2. It’s bloody hard work getting a tonne of stones out of a bag.  Use a machine to do it next time.
  3. Make sure your supplier also has MOT Type 2 which you can order a few tonnes of to give it a nice smooth finish.