Midlands Ho!

Paul and I rocked down to the Midlands to celebrate Jason being a year older than us again for the next 7 or 8 months. The usual carnage took place. On the Saturday we had a lunch reservation for quite early, about 11.30 I think. So we were all up and about. We had a light breakfast. I settled into the best chair in the world with a superb view of the rolling countryside and started reading a bit of my book. Paul…in his inimitable fashion piped up “Is it too early for a glass of wine then?”

This was the result

The Q108 Mission results

The Q1 mission can be regarded as a partial success but thanks to "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins I ran slightly "over budget"

The mission was to read 13 books in the first quarter of the year, which for the mathematically astute amongst you would boil down to a book per week.  I was in the middle of reading my 13th book [ The bastarding God Delusion ] when the month of April arrived.  For those of you that have read Dawkins’ masterpiece you’ll know why I struggled.

So in no particular order, the 13 books completed by 8th April were…

MY Booky Wook – Russell Brand
Biography – Eric Clapton
Humble Pie – Gordon Ramsay
Flashmans Lady – George Bernard Shaw
Flashman and the Mountain of Light – George Bernard Shaw
Quicksilver – Neal Stephenson
A Year In The Merde – Stephen Clarke
Merde Actually – Stephen Clarke
GB84 – David Pearce
Wintersmith – Terry Pratchett
Number One Ladies Detective Agency – Alexander McCall Smith
Tears Of The Giraffe – Alexander McCall Smith
The God Delusion – Richard Dawkins