Can I Crimp-it

Apparently yes I can. My darling daughter bought me a Crimp-it tool for making food related stuff. I initially meant to use it to improve my pastie making crimping finish – but I think it’s a bit big for pasties. I need a Crimp-it mini!

Anyway, the day came that I had a leftover Sunday roast and some wraps…so what is a man supposed to do?

Mushy peas, ham, stuffing, chicken and carrots…in a wrap

Pop it in the Crimp-it tool, microwave it for a bit until the edges of the wrap seal and then remove it from the Crimp-it tool and carry on cooking in the microwave.

It was well lush

Magic Monday OK Chicken

The more observant amongst you will notice we don’t have a Magic Monday December post. That’s because I forgot to take a picture. In order to relieve everyone’s stress levels though I can report we had Crispy Chilli Chicken. Which was ace.

The OK chicken that we had this month was…alright….edible…not bad….I’d go with OK. So we’ll not be getting that again.

The league table currently stands at:

  1. Peking Chicken
  2. Crispy Chilli Chicken
  3. OK Chicken

The first ever proper Magic Monday

My daughter tends to finish college quite early on Mondays so we decided to start a new tradition. Inspired by the Salt and Pepper chicken balls that we both love so much from Nana Pat’s Chinese takeaway we now intend travel to our local Chinese on the lunchtime of the first Monday of every month. The first Monday arrived the other day. The first ever Magic Monday. Every month we intend to treat ourselves to Salt and Pepper Chicken Strips [ not as good as the balls from Nana’s chippy but still pretty good ] and a main course with noodles. The hope is to try a different dish every month but I’m pretty sure we’ll quickly revert to Crispy Chilli Chicken.

The first ever Magic Monday dish was Peking Chicken – and it was fantastic

Another escape room

This time we took Amelia with us since she wasn’t off sunning herself in Spain. We did the Wild West escape in Liverpool which was pretty good fun.

My wanna be model daughter and her crazy poses

After successfully escaping within the time limit and with all the gold we went to a Mexican restaurant on Bold St for a seriously awesome meal. La Parrilla served the beer in frozen/chilled glasses and they went down exceptionally well. The food was fantastic and we all had a great time before taking the bustrain home.

Balls and King Kong

Quite a while ago Emma, myself, Amelia and Charlie all went to the zoo.  Unfortunately there was this was this fat computer programmer who wanted to make some extra cash by selling dinosaur embryos on the black market.  The result was that the electric fences were all out and as you can see the T-Rex and the errr big bird thing escaped.  We barely managed to pose for this photo before we had to break out the guns, reboot the unix box and get helicoptered out alive.  Believe me it was quite a day, I’m currently in talks with Spielberg about making it into a huge blockbuster movie.  The working title is "Southport zoo, the day the dinos escaped" – but I think something snappier is needed, perhaps with Jurassic in the title or something.